
Monday, April 15, 2013

Engagement- Sarah & Wes

Fun, Fun, Fun ! 
Everyone that has spent a little time with me in their life knows I'm a little eccentric and prefer the crazy side.  Sarah & Wes are a hilarious couple!  It is one of those client/photographer relationships that just click :)  Their personalities shined in their engagement session.  We got to run around Duke Gardens, which in itself is amazing !  Especially in the Spring !  Their wedding is not until later this year, but I am SO looking forward to it! They will be married at the Grand Marquise Ballroom- quite the swanky venue and I drool over the endless photo opportunities we will have.  LOVE THEM! 

Engagement- Sara & Paul

Isn't it just beautiful to see such a cute couple in love !  All it took to get me excited was finding out that Paul had brought a 3 piece suit to wear . So maybe it wasn't his choice, but his fiancé knew what was best *as we always do* and he pulled it off perfectly! Both Sara & Paul are police officers although Paul has recently ventured out into entrepreneurship.   I'm so happy Sara found me and asked me to be her photographer! I can't wait for their Ceremony and their bonus Persian Ceremony :)

  This was one of the first outdoor sessions of the year for me using my portable lights.  They give me so much more flexibility and the opportunity to send the session much into the sunset.  
I hope you enjoy !